Farage, he screwed Britain once – he’s quite capable of doing it again

In. 2014 @IainDale chose Nigel Farage as his “Most influential person on the Right”, ahead of David Cameron. Ten years on this looks a perceptive choice. The EU Referendum designed to marginalise Farage had the reverse effect because he played a major part in Leave’s victory

Iain Dale’s “Most Influential person on the Right” choice in 2014

Does anyone doubt that the Conservative Party has been irreversibly changed by Farage’s external threat? It’s happened because of Brexit, his single issue proposition. His predicable anti Asylum seeker and anti Immigration stance today is part of his National Conservative stance. A stance that is virtually identical to the “Popular Conservatives” actually in the Party.

The One Nation Tories of yore have become a distant memory – in part a consequence of the Farage threat. Post Brexit the likes of Ken Clarke, Dominic Grieve, Michael Heseltine and more have sought new homes. And those Tories who stayed active (or returned in David Cameron’s case) have had to swallow the Brexit Kool-Aid. Cameron, who led the “Remain” campaign, is now a Brexiteer !

Nigel Farage is a shallow, narrow and bigoted man. I have described the time I spent with him elsewhere – suffice to say that to have suggested then that he could be a serious political influence would have been preposterous. But beware. He will be elected in Clacton. All bets are off


One thought on “Farage, he screwed Britain once – he’s quite capable of doing it again

  1. I struggle to understand why people like Farage achieve such political and personal popularity. He clearly demonstrates he has unpleasant racist views with a lot in common with Oswald Mosely. He slipped into that role so easily almost a century on. Apart from that what does Farage stand for? What political policies does he represent? As far as I can see it’s all reactionary twaddle that he peddles, ad nauseam.

    Farage wants to be the permanent stone in every Tory politician’s shoe. The idea that he could actually run anything such as a government department is laughable. So perhaps he is just the go-to man when elections come around to liven things up on the hustings. After all Starmer, Davey and Sunak are as dull as ditch water. Their silly antics all fall flat as a fart.

    The good folks of Clacton on Sea must be wondering what they did to deserve Farage bringing the media circus to shine a spotlight on the town. I hope they see him off and elect a decent politician who will actually do some good for the place.


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